Write For Us!

Yes, You Can Guest Blog On DiyPhotographyStuff.Info


When I launched DiyPhotographyStuff.Info, I wanted it to be a very good photography resource center for DIY projects and quick tips for easy and simple studio and products photography, as well as linking to other great resources available online. It was and still is a labor of love. Sice I got packed with work, growing two wonderful kids, photographing weddings and a day job as SEO expert in Israel , the number of times I posted here started to slow down. I invited one guest blogger and then another and found some great friends world wide, friends that share the same passion for photography and having fun on the budget. Recently through my Social networks I have been able to draw in many more photographers who are willing to share their knowlege of photography and I would like to invite YOU to also be a guest blog here.


What will be in it for YOU?

Being a good or even great photographer isn’t just enough in those days. I found myself some years ago, learning how to promote me business online, as this is the best way to gain and find potential costumers , and the best practice that I learned is that links that points to your site from external resources are the best thing your web site can get in order to get better results in the search engines. So the bottom line is, if you want to rank higher for some keywords  youl’d better get some good content and good links with those keywords pointing to your site. Guest bloging is the best way to do so!


Criteria Of A Guest Blogger

I’ll be clear here: I’m not looking for an art degree final exam work, one the contrary, I’m looking for fun and fluent articles. I want to see some writing and images that will hint me: hey here is a good one. I am looking for photographers that can write and share their passion for photography in words and images. If you are one of them, let me know!!!


Basic Standards

Here are some basic standards that you must meet:


  •  I’m looking for photographers (show me an online blog or portfolio) , armature or part time photographers are good to, but has to be good too  `-)
  • Simple writing skils, funny and light ,but articles must be of minimum 500 words.
  • A 300×300 px portrait of yourself
  • Posts must have  6-10 images that have a maximum width of 650 px vertical and max 800 horizontal.
  • Writer will be welcomed to comment for comments and questions.


Topics To Write About

I and my readers love to read about:

  1. Good and funny DIY projects.
  2. Behind the scenes of photography using small flashes.
  3. Tips for better photography and techniques.
  4. New Aproaches for photography and equipment.
  5. Any photography related stories.


Just fill in your ideas in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible !!!


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