The one who know me ,that I love running. In this set I’ll show you how I took that shoe product photograph.
product photography setup
Using gels for product photography- part I
Hey, I saw a great tutorial in Stefan’s site (you can get the link in my favorites).He have been shooting products (hand made great looking funny dolls ).Stefan uses a professional studio and pro flashes for his work and you can see the diargrams of some of his studio sessions Continue Reading
Amazing product photography 1$ technique!-Part I
Amazing product photography 1$ technique! If you want to know how to do this easy 1$ (if you have the off camera flashes) dig in there are some examples and outcomes that you wouldn’t imagine how easy it is to do it!!! For the bset use of this tutorial you Continue Reading
Simple studio product photography setup
Easy to do small DIY product photography setup with home made lighting stuff. Simple studio product photography setup that will get this: You probably heard the words: “one pictures worth thausends words”…Yep today you must have good pictures of your products in order that the potential web costumer wil shop Continue Reading