Adidas Boston -Shoe photography Setup


The one who know me ,that I love running.

In this set I’ll show you how I took that shoe product photograph.

You’ll have to forgive me that my Adidas shoes aren’t clean and new ,as I bought them two days before the shootout and had to test them for two runs.My bottom line is that they are very very very light.And I don’t recommend you to run with those pair of shoes during the winter,cause it might freeze your toes (mine froze…),but lets talk business.

If you sell shoes you’ll probably want to take some good photographs of  your merchandise to upload to the web and try to sell it online.Whether its for your email use, online store or your Ebay store,You’ll need a good picture to drive the visitors to buy the shoe!

You can get into the video  in the link below,but to make it simple,here are some tips about this shoe photography setup:

Here is my second video,about product photography.You may well see that I took the shot with very simple setup,and it took me less than 10 minutes to make that picture work!

The video is a real one by one timeline of the shootout itself:

Shoe Photography – keep in simple from diyphotography on Vimeo.

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