One Light Setup for sexy photography – By Shotie Blackmore

one light setup - sexy photography

Using “strobist gear” for top level photography allways made me happy, it made me realise that I don’t must have tons of expensive flash strobes in order to get professional results and thats fun. This time we Shotie Blackmore, a portrait photographer that I met on facebook, Shotie shared the how to of a great sexy image, continue reading  if you want to see how its done the strobist way

Hellow guys !


My name is shotie blackmore, I am a portrait photographer, and  I want to experience some fashion photography too.

I first got hands on camera about two years  ago and one year ago I started to use photoshop then slowly realized that I am gonna need a light modifier first one was silver umbrella but it was small and not good enough for my needs. About two month ago my girl friend bought me an photodiox 48 otabox for 50 $ and that was an huge jump for me J

One light Sexy photography

One of the my friend is an make up artist and other owns a house good enough for this kind of shots … so I contacted a model agency and we started to plan that shot … seen tons of photos on  I was wondering how the other more experienced photographer, get those amazing photos, I was checking for poses and how they lit their models.  Then   I finally decided to plan that shot!

I contacted all people who are included. Friend with gear and house , the model agency and of course to my friend make up artist … then before the day of the session I scouted location so I know where should I get octa and the girl for look I wanted to get. For this photo

One light setupOne light Setup

 Gear used for the shot:

  • Nikon d750 Dslr camera
  • nikkor 105 2.8
  • YN 560 iii triggered by  rf603ii
  • 48 inch octabox from photodiox .

Camera setting and description:

I wanted the background to be blown up and little bit of highlights on her face so I filled it with octa setting for this shot  1\100sec, aperature  f 2.8  iso 250 it was hard to focus on that condition but I nailed some of the poses.

I think that was all about it !  Good luck and have your with your photography




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