November’s Monthly Challenge Winner!!!

Hi Guys (and girls)

I want to say that it was a pleasure to run this challenge. I saw here many images and actually as it was the first challenge I run, I’m a bit surprised by the number of posts here (relatively),mostly thanks for you as you helped spreading the word!


I decided that I’ll pick this month winner, rather than making some voting process, as this month was a bit tight here in Israel, especially in the area that I live in.Next challenge winners winners will be decided by voting (don’t know yet how to do this, but I’ll figure it out when it comes).

So who is the winner?

The best image in this contest is by

  • Canon 5D mark2
  • HElios 44m-5
  • 1/200
  • ISO 100
  • f 2.2
  • Lighting with one 580EX2 shoot through umbrella high above the model slightly left of the camera

Second best is the image below byKelly-Shane Fuller

Also have to mention the first posting here by Eden Gabay

Hope you have fun, Next challenge Decembers challenge is all about BW photography!

I’d be more than happy if you help me rais this challenge into higher peaks, PLS share and help!

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