One light basic product photography setup

Here is another basic product photography with one flash light shooting through the DIY SoftBox we made earlier.

This time we are shooting a bottle of Drabuie (whom would have been already empty unless I planed to shoot it…) on a black background.


The ingredients:

  1. 1 bottle of Drambuie
  2. Black maple sheet or a black bristol paper (better)
  3. 1 Flash
  4. 1 softbox
  5. white reflector – I used a white 70cm*100cm foam board.
  6. Good mood – for not drinking the Drambuie

Setup the studio as you can see  in the setup pictures.Softbox at one side of the bottle a bit in front of it.I took the first shot at about ISO200,f/8 1/160sec and the flash (Canon 430EX) at about a 1/4 power.I used the Canon 100mm macro (my best advise is to get one if your shooting Canon Dslrs) .From here you should manage yourself just fine,if the picture get a little to dark power up the flash a notch and you’ll be done.

Here are two examples for this setup:

In this setup we added a white reflector to the left side of the bottle.By adding the white reflector we added some lights to that side of the bottle and not keeping it in the dark as in the second picture.As you can see the white reflector also adds some lights to the black background.



Experiment this setup and enjoy your results!

And please share your pictures with us and leave links to your work in the comments section below.

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