Food Photography Videos – Two Videos I Digged

In this video made by Sony Photography department , you’ll watch an interview with pro food photographer Mark Matsumoto. Marc is a freelance food photographer and recipe designer, publisher of the site No Recipe – who is a great source for food photography ideas and inspiration. In this video they talk about basics of food photography principals, so its a good starting point to learn and understand how a pro photographer thinks. They mainly discuss about using compact digital cameras for food photography, so if you don’t have some expensive photography gear, this one is for your you! You might be surprised by the results.

In this video you’d the BTS (Behind the scenes) of a food catalogue shoot for a steakhouse restaurant. This one is not for the armature photographer, and you can see how a serious food photography session is taken. Learn the basics of using continuous light sources and lots of light modifiers. Some of the images are photographed using only on light source, a softbox with grid  , while the dish is put on a white table tablecloth on the floor.


Seen other interesting food photography BTS   or learning videos, let as know.

If you photographed one let us know and if we think it is great, we’ll put it here too!!!

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