Shooting Between The Drops – A Wet Two lights Setup by Derrick

On Canon Digital Photography Forums , there are two posts that asks photographers to share their of camera flash photography sessions. I must say that on those very long threads, one has 80 pages and probably more than 200 different setups, you can find many ideas and sometimes when I just look for some inspiration or new small flash setups, I go there and refresh my knowledge/ideas bank.

Here is a very simple setup made by Derrick who is a  freelance photographer based in  Pensacola area USA. The first thing that cough my site in this setup was the fact that there are some water used here, I’d like to do so to, but there is a “little” water problem here in Israel , therefore those kind of setups are setups that I can only dream of… `-)

How Derrick took this shot:

As you can see , it is a basic two light setup:

  1. Main light  – One speedlite  and a 60′ shoot through umbrella.
  2. Fill/Rim light – A bare speedlite far behind , on a tripod.
  3. Keep the back light in a water safe zone!!! You wouldn’t like your flash to get wet!
  4. Camera settings – Canon 500D, f/5.1, ISO 400, 1/100th sec and camera about 9m from the model.

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