As I mentioned before,i do love photography a lot.It all started (my digital photography) some years ago when i first got a HP digital camera.I remember it was 3MP which was a lot for those days,with extremely bad image quality,but there where no many digital cameras for amateur photographers.After about a Continue Reading
Samuel M.
Next DIY Project Teaser-20cm*20cm SoftBox + Grid
Will be published 5/Jul/2009 Yep,I know this is going to be interesting DIY project,but you have to be patience.This is the teaser for the 20cm*20cm SoftBox + Grid DIY project. As you can see this is the simple setup: Here are some pictures of the can of peaches jam that Continue Reading
Where I get the inspiration?
Where I get the inspiration? I believe that for starters and pro there is no limit for the ideas you can find on the net.Even if you think you know all,there is something new you could learn. Why I did my mini site is a good question.I realized is that Continue Reading
Quality of light-some example
Quality of light-simple example. As I finished making a soon to be published DIY 20cm*20cm Gird Softbox (this will be a good one!!) I found out that there is a couple of minutes left before Eitan’s bath to toy with my white umbrella.This is an example of what they say Continue Reading
Simple studio product photography setup
Easy to do small DIY product photography setup with home made lighting stuff. Simple studio product photography setup that will get this: You probably heard the words: “one pictures worth thausends words”…Yep today you must have good pictures of your products in order that the potential web costumer wil shop Continue Reading
The complete DIY SoftBox 40cm*40cm (for less than 10$!!!)
Learn how to build this great DIY softbox. A 40cm*40cm Softbox from scratch. Here’s what you need : 2 carton boards 100cm*70cm a good pair of scissors one marker pen to mark the measures Ruler (40cm or more) A measuring tape Tin foil (to act as the reflector in the Continue Reading
DIY SoftBox 40cm*40cm for Less Than 10 bucks – Part II Widgets This is what you’ll finally get!!! After building the simple to do DIY soft box,it is time to make the “speed ring” for the soft box and put the diffuser on. What you need here is simple: 40cm*40cm DIY soft box (you did it in part I) A Continue Reading
DIY SoftBox 40cm*40cm for Less Than 10 bucks – Part I Widgets Hey,in part I of this popular tutorial we’ll deal with the construction of the box itself. So lets start working. Here’s what you need : 2 carton boards 100cm*70cm a good pair of scisors one marker pen to mark the misures Ruler (40cm or more) A measuring tape Continue Reading
Soon To Come DIY 40cm*40cm SoftBox
Today I strated to build my first “big” DIY project! It will be a 40cm*40cm softbox for your of camera flash (I’m using canon gun 580,550 and 430). As soon as my boy will wake up I could go to our rear room and take out the memry caed out Continue Reading
Whats Next : Strap SoftBox
The DIY Photography Stuff comming next will be: The best light strap soft box you could get for a couple of bucks If You have some ideas about some DIY Photography Stuff you did are want to do write us!
Getting as much ambient light into your photo.
When you wonder around photography forums and looking for tip on how to shoot party/wedding/indoor photos,you probably here the common tip and its something like that:”try to get as much ambient light into your photo” Well my tips is as you can guess:”Try to get as much possible ambient (natural) Continue Reading
Basic Lighting Setups-Paramount(Butterfly)
There are some popular and basic setups used for portrait photography. The paramount lighting is a very popular lighting setup for shooting female models, also called sometimes Butterfly Lighting as the shape of the shadow it creates under the nose.This lighting setup is common glamour lighting style. It works best Continue Reading
Products Photography for beginners-The most basic setup!!!(Part II)
If you read the first post from the series about simple to do product studio photography on budget, you could read it here:Products Photography for beginners-The most basic setup!!!(Part I). As I said,those pictures took me just a couple of minutes to take and even thought you can see great Continue Reading
Introduction to remote flash options
Remote flash basics: If you want to improve your lighting ability,one of the most helpful methods is to move the flash from your lens axis and by that you will create more 3 dimensional photographs.There many many ways to control your off camera flash,in this post I’ll cover the basic Continue Reading