Canon 5DMKI Vs. Canon 40D


I use for most of  my photographs one of my two Canon 40D. When the Canon 5DMkII got out to the market, there where plenty of the 5DMkI available for sale as second hand cameras. I had a big strugle what to do whether to get a copy of the 5DMkI to couple with my 40D or to keep the 40D instead.

The 5D advantages are clear:

  • Full Frame camera.
  • 12MP.
  • Very nice depth of field.
  • 100% View finder.

The 40D advantages are clear too

  • Better focus speed.
  • More up to date DIGIC processor.
  • Bigger and much better LCD screen.

So recently someone popped that question in one of the forums that I visit in. My reply was: I rather keep the 40D and if there will be an upgrade it will be to the 5DMkII or the Canon 7D. But a very good photographer made a test between those cameras, see it yourself, it will help you decide if you are in the same problem (APS-C Vs. FF).


The test run by Allon Kira on of the best Macro and nature photographers that I know!!!

Allon Kira

Get in to check the rest of the test :

Canon 40D Vs.5DMki 1600 iso test

Share your thoughts on this test with us.

3 thoughts on “Canon 5DMKI Vs. Canon 40D

  1. Mmm…
    Very interesting,I still have the 30D it brings good pictures,
    but I was sure that the high ISO differences are much bigger!
    I like the nice depth of the 5D, but if I buy a camera I’ll go for a new model rather than an old one…

  2. I have one 40d and one 5d mk2. And i must say i can not use my 40d after purchasing 5dmk2: high visible noise on iso 800, bad screen (bluIsh), bad focus. And i am amazed with quality of those pictures you showed.

    1. HeHeHe
      I have the same set as you mention: 30D and 5DMKII, and the differences are amazing, I can’t even look at my 30D anymore…
      The only thing that annoys me, is the fact that the 5DMKII doesn’t has a built in flash, so you have a little problem photograph home evening images, you learn how to deal with it, but the Nikon D700 have the flash and the Canon doesn’t.
      Second thing is the 1/200th fastest flash sync speed while the 30D/40D has it 1/250th…
      But as for every other aspect, we have a clear winner!
      TNX for commenting!

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