Pop Photography – May 2010 – Light like a pro

One of the photography magazines that I read regularly is Popular Photography.I actually don’t remember when I first read this magazine, as my father was the one who started with it way back in the 80’s and I bealive that I can read English since I was 10, so that makes it the middle 80’s. But lets talk about the last issue of PopPhoto.

In the last issue, there is an article about “Lighting Like a Pro”, Covering some very common topics we photographers are interested and spending lot of online time reading about:

  • Using natural light-there is an example of beach model shoot, using the sun light and a reflector.You can use the DIY reflector we “designed” here.
  • Mimicing the sunlight using strobes- a very good piece on using the strobes as main lights , that allows us to get the over exposed sky if we havn’t used them. A very nice setup.
  • Mixing Daylight and strobes.
  • Jewelery shoot setup- explaining the basics of jewelery photography and how to pose your light in such a setup.
  • Advanced setup using more than 10 lights in a multi-exposure shoot. This is really advanced stuff.

This great stuff is wrapped with an article that covers the 10 things you don’t know about light.

This is a must read issue!!!

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