Connect your camera tripod to your umbrela

This post is for you guys that needed for some reason another umbrella, but what the heck, you don’t have another studio tripod that you can attach a swivel head that will hold the your flash and umbrella. So you are stuck? You say there must be a solution for that? Get your camera tripod and use it as a flash&umbrella holder!!!Easy thing to do and all you need is 3 things:

Small swivel flash  holder- you probably already have one and if not you must have one.

The camera tripod thing that holds the camera to the tripod.

The item you probably don’t have and that’s the time to get it is the 1/4″ and 3/8″ Female Threaded screw Adapter , so go on and get one, you’ll see that you might need it. Search on ebay or go to your local studio camera store.

Flash holder for normal tripod-1

There are two easy steps and I guess you already know what to do after you have those items, but what the heck here is what you need to do in some simple steps!

At the bottom of the swivel head flash holder you should place the screw adaptor.Make sure you leave the smaller diameter at the bottom side.Close tight the adaptor.

Flash holder for normal tripod-2

Now screw the quick release panel to the bottom side of the swivel head. and thats what you get.

Flash holder for normal tripod-3

All you have left to do is to attach the quick release panel to the tripod as if you connect a camera.Put the flash on the top of the swivel head and ad in the umbrella.

Start taking your photographs!

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