DIY Photography reflector 3 in 1White/Silver/Gold

This is going to be a really quick and amazingly easy DIY photography reflector tutorial.In this tutorial we will build a 3 in 1 reflector aprox. size 60cm long  50cm wide.This reflector will be a white/silver/gold reflector.

Lets get going with our sort shopping list:

  • 1 50cm*70cm foam white bord.
  • 1 silver 50cm*70cm silver bristol panel.(this is sold as packages with 3 silver 3 gold bristol panels).
  • 1 gold  50cm*70cm silver bristol panel.(this is sold as packages with 3 silver 3 gold bristol panels).
  • Double sided sticky velcro.
  • Scissors

Lets go:

That the before picture

what you need list

For each corner of the colored bristol panel cut a piece of two sided sticky velcro for you studio DIY reflector.You could cut more pieces of the velcro or bigger pieces,I cut a small piece about 1/2 cm wide.

Stick one side of the velcro on each corner of the  foam board and the other side  of the velcro stick to the colored bristol reflector for the studio reflector.


After finishing the silver reflector side (you could start with the golden side either)  you should have this,an easy diy silver studio reflector:


Repeat this process for with the other side and the golden bristol panel.

Now you have your first and easiest 3 in 1 studio reflector.





Go on and do it!Share your photos and thoughts with us!

2 thoughts on “DIY Photography reflector 3 in 1White/Silver/Gold

  1. Hi Samuel,

    I wonder if you get these replies, didn’t see any contact information for you …
    …anyway, I came across your reflector diy, pretty neat stuff….. I already went to two different crafts stores, but couldn’t find the bristol panels at either one …..without getting you in trouble for advertising, but can you reveal where you bought yours?

    Thanks – looking forward to check out your other posts here

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