Canon SpeedLite 580EXII Maste/Slave

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So one of the first things you should know when tyring to start your budget studio,no matter weather you want to shoot your children,products portraits or just want to improve your photography techniques is knowing your off camera flash.

In this lesson we’ll deal with the Canon SpeedLite 580EX II and how to fix it as master/slave off camera flash.


That’s is the Canon SpeedLite 580EX II:


When you’ll want to turn the wireless into action you’ll need to push the zoom button for a couple of seconds.

If you want it to work as normal flash  you should leave it at the off as in the following picture


If you’ll want to turn wireless flash on and use it as a master flash,turn the dial button one step to the right,that will change the text on you’re flash screen  Master On,as in the figure bellow:


This will turn you’re speedlight as a master flash and it will control all the slave speedlites in its range and chanel group.

If you’ll want to make the canon 580EXII as a slave flashgun,turn the dial button twice and it will bring you to the slave option as in the figure bellow:


Now the flash will be trigered any time that a master flash will fire.

Some things you should know:

  • Only canon 580/550/540 EX can work as master units.
  • Almost all the other popular Canon flashes (430/420/550/580)  can work as slave units.
  • While shooting outdoor wireless range gets a little shorter than shooting indoors (15m->10m).
  • There should be “eye contact” between the master and slave flashes.

By the way those relatively good product pictures where taken with the most simple studio setup!

Just one off camera flash !!!

Stay tuned for more tutorials and news and don’t forget to share you’re thoughts with us,PLACE YOUR COMMENT NOW!!!

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