How To Photograph Reflective Silver Producs

Hi guys,

Photographing shiny objects is a very complicated task, some weeks ago I tried to photograph a friend of mine silver jewellery medallions. As we where tyring to learn our way through this, we found it very difficult to get it done perfectly, I mean you can do it pretty good and it might be enough for most us, but we wanted to make it perfect…

On the quest to the perfect image we found a nice YouTube stream , it belongs to a very good site ( who has some nice  free photography how to lesson  collection (see here), however, I got to this site after watching a movie, who deals mainly with the problems you’ll face when trying to photograph silver objects.

There are two main difficulties you’ll have to compete with:

  1. Reflections – with metal objects everything’s gets reflected, I actually saw my camera lens reflected on the medalion even while I photographed it in a light tent.
  2. Getting the right lighting –  getting a good contrasty image isn’t an easy thing.
Watch the movie and you’ll get some nice ideas:
Robert Grant used a Canon 30D , Canon 10-22, Av mode and evaluative metering mode. No flshes where used here, but only one bulb light. For getting the light diffused , Robert used a roll of white tissue paper.
This simple!!!

And here is a video of the really budget equipment Robert uses on his tutorials

I offer you to see this movie and visit the site, as it has lots of great ideas!!!


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