3.5 Of Camera Flash Sites you must visit

As I mentioned before,i do love photography a lot.It all started (my digital photography) some years ago when i first got a HP digital camera.I remember it was 3MP which was a lot for those days,with extremely bad image quality,but there where no many digital cameras for amateur photographers.After about a year I upgraded my camera to Canon G3 (and never left Canon since)  .

It was then when I started to “play” with of camera flash,I had an old Canon SpeedLite 540EZ who I contected to an optical slave trigger and it was alot of fun to discover new way of light and photography.Much of the things I experienced then and know today come from some ecxellent sites.Here is a sort list of those sites,please be wellcomed to send me links or share your favorite site trough the comments section of that page:

  1. Strobist.com-Is there anyone who doesn’t know this one?Probably the most popular photoblog in the world…It deals with the use os small flash units instead of strobes to get professional results.Its a must bookmark blog.Concepts for Lighting and Digital Photography-Its a page that covers almost all the principles of flash photography.Read until you memorised it all!
  2. dg28.com – once was a blog now the personal site of Neil Turner a very talented photographer.The pages that you’ll need to see are: old techniques (thats the section I read time after time) and new techniques.Those two pages will give endless ideas and advise about of camera flash photography!Be sure to read the comments section too,trough the comment section I got to other photographers sites and learn more stuff (it’s always a good idea to search the web for photographers stuff).
  3. Digital photography school-Began as a great blog and still has a lot of information to read.The blog is operated by Darren Rowse,who is never the less the man behind problogger.com and is a blogging guru too!

Please if you have more sites to share with us let us know by mail or comments!!!

Enjoy,and remember you have to go out shooting’thats what will make your photography better!!!

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