Where I get the inspiration?

Where I get the inspiration?

I believe that for starters and pro there is no limit for the ideas you can find on the net.Even if you think you know all,there is something new you could learn.

Why I did my mini site is a good question.I realized is that there are a lot of demand for DIY project and ideas,and I believe that there some good ideas in mt mind to share the web.It is amazing how many people use today excellent digital equipment (digital cameras and flashes).They all want to do thing and learn a lot of stuff.When I wonder through tens of photography forums I feel the people need for information.Some of that need I think I can solve here,so you can log to my site and check the new stuff I’m writing about and try it for your self.

Where I get my information and inspiration?

The web is full of information sources,I get it on forums,blogs,tweeter and in many sites that deal with photography and related topics.One of the most useful stuff I get at strobist.com who is kind of a master in the niche of photography with off camera flashes and Learning how to use off-camera flash with your dSLR to take your photos to the next level. Or the next ten levels.I get into strobist a couple of times a week and as a photographer it never stops to give me motivation to continue shooting!

After all it doesn’t matter weather you are a pro or an amatureĀ  and you like to do it look for ideas and shoot!


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