Great blog by David James Williams


Well I found David’s site as I was looking for some DIY softbox ideas.I first read this post, about a way to attach small camera flash to a normal softbox (not those plastic softboxes, but a real one ). He used a sponge to hold the flash to the softbox ring, easy and simple. If you’re a DIY fun you should read that post, here is a link to that. David actually put the flash into the soft box but connects the flash to the tripod, while it holds the softbox. He experienced this with 50cm softboxes and claims to be able to hold the softbox weight. I would try to work with, or get a softbox that as a speed ring that attaches to a tripod and then add the flash sponge holder  to the softbox, so the softboxes weight won’t be on the flash.

flash sponge holder
flash sponge holder

After reading that opening post I started wondering through David’s blog and found many other posts that has great value for as photographers. You must read the Photography Tutorials section (in the categories menu), where David shares his studio photography knowledge with his reader.

It will be a good idea to subscribe to Davids blog via RSS for more useful information.


David, Great site!!!

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